Our Studios
Our studios are a blend of the old and the new – a return to the community schoolhouses that built America – with the best of modern technology and 21st century organizational design.
In a tightly knit community bound by shared mission, promises and accountability, young people develop deep friendships and the skills to keep them for the long run.

Spark Studio
Ages 3.5 to 6 (pre-k through 1st)
The purpose of the Spark Studio is to grow a unique, curious, and independent learner.
The Spark Studio is a Montessori-inspired environment of whole child development: cognitive, physical, emotional, and social. Children in Spark learn through Montessori work, play, and exploring natural interests. Additionally, lots of opportunity for free play strengthens bonds, allows for problem-solving, teamwork, and development of executive functioning. The Spark Studio also builds a strong foundation for reading, goal setting, and independent learning skills that prepares the young learners for success in the Discovery Studio

Discovery Studio
Ages 7 to 11 (2nd through 6th)
The purpose of the Discovery Studio is to develop a deep love of learning, problem-solving skills, and kindness in relationship to others.
In our Discovery Studio, the learners build a foundation for learning through personalized Core Skills, exploratory Quests, study of civilizations, and play. The Core Skills are done in the morning and are mastery-based and self-paced. Learners explore the arts, science, history, and the natural world through hands-on projects in the afternoon. These projects require collaboration, teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking. Additionally, lots of opportunity for free play strengthens bonds within the tribe and aids in the development of executive functioning.

Adventure Studio
COMING SOON! Ages 12 to 14 (6th through 8th)
The purpose of the Adventure Studio is to hone a strong work ethic, develop real-world skills, and adventure into the real world.
In the Adventure Studio, learners begin to embark into the real world, with the thrilling opportunities and responsibilities that come with it. This includes apprenticeships each year with members of the Leander community. As learners grow into adolescence, their impact grows. Now, projects involve real clients, skills are developed with rigor, and discussions become more mature. Adventure offers a higher level of freedom, as well as a safe place to test your limits, failing early, cheaply, and often.
Take a virtual tour of an Acton Academy studio

Hi, I'm Sarah Max. 👋
I'm Community Champion at Invictus
I'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:
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